ERP Sales Modules and its 5 Powerful Features

ERP Sales Modules and its 5 Powerful Features

Customers and sales are the core components of a firm. They also serve as the core component of ERP systems, connecting the orders that create demands for the business with the cash flow. The ERP sales modules are crucial components of a corporation as they facilitate the management of all export and domestic sales operations within an organisation. The client and product databases are saved and meticulously maintained within the ERP Sales Modules

The sales modules integrated with the ERP system encompass several phases, including sales and marketing, placement of orders, managing bulk orders, dispatching, inquiry handling, and order scheduling. It is a fundamental component of the ERP system. It facilitates the efficient management of sales and marketing activities. 

Given the diverse sales requirements among firms, it is important to identify the essential characteristics that should be present in an ERP sales module.

Five Powerful Features of ERP Sales Module


ERP sales module has many core features. Let’s have a look at the top five features, that make it very effective for organisations.

1. Database of Users and Backlog

Typically, the account name that is linked to your organization is categorised as either an ERP prospect, suspect, or client. Nevertheless, the users can be conveniently categorized within the ERP database to establish a reference point. Conversely, enhanced delivery tools would include prospecting tools, connected customers, and sales funnels.
An ERP software integrated with a sales module provide a query-able database that includes information on all open orders. All of this is arranged in a certain sequence according to the specified timings. Furthermore, the forthcoming orders may lack a structured or imminent strategy, which is precisely where the quality and production control models become relevant.

2. Restrictions on Credit

If a corporation wants to deliver orders before receiving payment, they have the option to establish a credit limit for each consumer. Nevertheless, this would require triggering a notification in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system whenever no more orders remain. The system imposes a restriction that requires shipments to be made only after payment has been received for orders that have been dispatched but have yet to be paid.

3. Sales Orders with many Layers

This is another crucial sales module. When an order is placed, it includes a product description and the corresponding sales amount. Nevertheless, these description lines can be categorised into releases, where a concise description may contain many delivery dates and varying volumes. Additionally, a sales order may include a specified date on which the consumer requires the product.
An ERP system can facilitate the process of configuring many layers during setup. Alternatively, the approved date can be established in the ERP system, similar to a shipping or delivery date, throughout the transmission process.

4. Sales Projection

The sales prediction is an additional component of the sales module. It encompasses projected future consumer sales. Many ERP systems utilise many statistical models to predict future outcomes based on past sales patterns. Nevertheless, these models ought to forecast future sales based on historical patterns. These predictions are derived from factors such as order history, client growth expectations, supply chain type, and other relevant data. Additionally, predictions are utilized to predict the order demands necessary for scheduling future capacity or procurement of components.

5. Geographic Area for Selling Products or Services

It is a crucial component of ERP sales modules. An ERP software can provide geographical or even comparable sales segmentation by salesperson. Additionally, each individual engaged in selling will be assigned a distinct zone inside the system. The individual will have complete responsibility for managing bookings, orders, and backlog specifically in that region.
Even if your organization is not primarily focused on sales, having a good understanding of the significant efficiencies associated with ERP sales modules can greatly improve the return on investment (ROI) system.

The Primary Advantages of ERP Sales Modules

ERP sales module offers various benefits for the companies when integrated properly. Some of the primary benefits are discussed below:

  1. The sales module in ERP allows accurate sales projection without any mistakes. The modules can efficiently capture and store data, with the need to take into account significant elements. The essential real-time data assists the sales department in generating precise sales estimates.
  2. The sales process layout facilitates the organisation of essential information in a centralised location, enabling the sales team to access it easily. This tool enables salespersons to systematically track, monitor, and manage all stages of the sales process based on their current position.
  3. The performance of ERP sales modules is enhanced since they have the ability to update data. Moreover, they can schedule activities, and efficiently track notifications related to the sales process. By adopting this approach, sales reps can allocate more of their attention to generating additional sales, so improving overall business performance.
  4. The sales modules in the database organisation retrieve extensive customer facts. They also provide organised data on sales, marketing, and customer service. Furthermore, it provides you with up-to-date information and the ability to make precise decisions.
  5. The ERP sales module facilitates seamless collaboration among sales personnel. It gathers data on each task and presents it in an organised manner. This facilitates collaboration for all individuals.

Furthermore, the modules facilitate the retrieval of data with ease, while also reducing the time needed by eliminating superfluous meetings and collaboration.


Implementing an ERP system and purchasing it might be an initially exhilarating undertaking. However, selecting the appropriate ERP system for your organization may effectively provide a strong foundation and facilitate the growth of your firm over time. CherryBerry ERP offers a sales module efficiently integrated with an ERP solution. We have very affordable ERP solutions, depending on your business size and type. You can call us anytime for a free consultation regarding the integration of the latest ERP solutions with the existing business system. The optimal ERP sales modules for your organization can fulfill the necessary criteria while assisting you in addressing the key obstacles and seizing opportunities for demonstrating growth. 

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